Workstream 2:
Action & Implementation

Enable effective action and implementation of high-quality Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions in poor and vulnerable countries

InsuResilience Program Alliance

Turning policy into impact – sustained collaboration under challenging conditions

The Program Alliance is the collaborative delivery platform of the Partnership, driving forward risk financing and insurance solutions in vulnerable countries in support of the Partnership’s Vision 2025. Donors, implementing partners and operational programmes come together to promote coherence and global coordination in implementation. Formed in 2017 in conjunction with the launch of the Partnership, the Program Alliance has created a space for collaboration and shared learnings among leading implementers under the Partnership. It was instrumental for the development of Vision 2025 and has facilitated shared learning across a range of key strategic issues. Donors, implementing partners and operational programmes come together to promote coherence and global coordination in implementation.  The Program Alliance consists of the following members:

In 2020, the Program Alliance came together for two virtual meetings and additional in-between exchanges. The biannual meetings aim to discuss the progress of the Alliance’s programmes, explore joint approaches and synergies under their respective work plans and project pipelines, strengthen links between policy level dialogue and implementation, and exchange on best practices. 

Key topics in 2020 included:

In 2021, the Program Alliance will be chaired by Alex Lau, Policy Adviser at FCDO, who will take over from the current chair Annette Detken, Head of the InsuResilience Solutions Fund. The following section provides an update on the various implementing partners under the Alliance.

Case studies from activities under the Alliance can be found here: